
Monday, November 16, 2009

Julie Sanford - support admin and BAMB!

Today I will post the interview with Julie Sanford, who has been a big support to Metalsmiths Unite in our year and a half of being a bonified group.  It has been a delight to get to know her and we both have enjoyed getting Helsinki black licorice...(thanks Erkki)

so, here she is, Julie Sanford, BAMB! (Bad Ass Metals Babe) :-)

How would you describe what you do as an artist?
-I fabricate fine art jewelry.

what inspires your designs?
Incredible things I see in nature, unique gemstones, great art and design.

how long have you been involved in this type of making? -Professionally 20 years but I was raised by a very creative single mother and we were always doing some kind of craft. We even had a ceramic shop in the basement.

where are you located?( email if you want to share, or city/town that you live in)
-The studio is in Grand Haven, Michigan

do you have a website or etsy/artfire/1000market etc store? (list url here)

what other ways do you market your work?(shows, galleries, b+m stores)
-I show in about 10 outdoor fine art shows a year and am also represented at a museum shop, jewelry store and several art galleries.

do you teach? if so, where- (I’ll link this to the website of teaching institution)
-I teach at my studio in Grand Haven and will be at Bead Fest Wire, the Bead & Button Show and Bead Fest Philadelphia in 2010.

any sage advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
-Value your work, be inspired by other artists, express yourself freely and don't let fear paralyze your growth as an artist or in your career.

where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic direction)
-I did some new, complex, multi-part pieces for a gallery show this fall where I used the imagery in jasper interpret the design. It was exciting, fun and I will be doing more of that.

anything else you would like to share? (favorite techniques? any good jokes? you can even put your flickr/twitter/blog links here too)
-My favorite technique is soldering when I am all alone in the studio, the sun filtering in, music on, talking/laughing out loud at myself. To anyone outside looking in I'm a complete NUT, but for me.. Life's a Bench! 

LOL, thanks Julie! Next, I will begin interviewing members of the group- stay tuned! (and Happy 'smithing!)- M 


  1. ...talking/ laughing out loud at yourself... HAHAHA! :)
    It seems that you must improve your studio ventilation! :D
    You funny!

  2. HAHAHA! The ventilation is good, it's the voices I'm worried about! jk :D I thought we (metalnuts) all did that! :D :D
