
Friday, November 13, 2009

Erkki Kokko- Finnish Batman

So today I'd like to introduce one of the "support" people who have helped Metalsmiths Unite flourish.
Erkki Kokko (aka Eddie) joined Metalsmiths Unite when it was a little group of about 40-50 smiths-
His enthusiasm for metals and craft are apparent in his work- He works in many diverse metals, from fine jewelry to ironwork. Erkki also is my private Finnish licorice connection- I've been lucky enough to have been mailed packages of salted black licorice (Salmiakki) and now am hopelessly addicted. YUM

here is the interview- Metalsmiths, Unite!

How would you describe what you do as an artist?
-I consider myself more craftsman than artist. (Does that make any sense? :))

what inspires your designs?
-Museums, exhibitions, life...

how long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
-I got "infected" in metals in 1997, when i was four months in metal art course, learning basic jewelry techniques, bronze casting, forging, etc.

where are you located?( email if you want to share, or city/town that you live in)
-My studio is in Helsinki, capital city of Finland.

do you have a website or etsy/artfire/1000market etc store? (list url here) (without www) :D

what other ways do you market your work?(shows, galleries, b+m stores)
-sometimes in craftsmarket, museum shop and i also make some jewelry to bigger company as a subcontractor.

do you teach? if so, where- (I’ll link this to the website of teaching institution)
-I teach in primary school and some courses in folk high school.

any sage advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
-"It's not a 9-5 job. It's an every moment you're awake job because you actually enjoy the work that you're doing!"

where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic direction)
-Hmmm... Can you give me the crystal ball? :)

anything else you would like to share? (favorite techniques? any good jokes? you can even put your flickr/twitter/blog links here too)
-Thanks for the interview! :D


  1. Great interview :)
    Erkki, I thank you for your mention on MU's Facebook Discussion thread of using clay with patterning of Mokume Gane...that started me down a path I have very much enjoyed! MU members/founders spirit of sharing incites growth and inspiration. Much appreciation, Ang

  2. Great interview of a wonderful craftsman/artist. I enjoyed learning more about him.

  3. Thanks guys for your kind and nice words!
    Thanks also to Maureen for her wonderful work with this MU-group!
    I think that's a great forum for all of us metalnuts!
