
Friday, December 21, 2012

Jim Dunakin Interview

Today we are going to get to know another one of our very talented artist members of metalsmiths Unite: Jim Dunakin. Jim has been a member for a couple of years now- he is an active member, posting almost every day- is very open and helpful to other members and has been kind enough to share many ideas about techniques with us as well. He is a self taught metalsmith and Lapiderist (stone cutter) and creates delightfully colorful "eye candy", with impeccable craftsmanship.
So, without further's Jim Dunakin! enjoy!

MBZ (Maureen Brusa Zappellini) - Hi Jim- Thanks for taking the time to do this interview- I'm sure other Metalsmiths Unite members are interested in reading about you and your work.OK, for starters,  How would you describe what you do as an artist?
JD (Jim Dunakin) - Hi there- Well, I Generally describe myself as a jewelry artist, although studio jeweler would certainly work as well.

MBZ-what inspires your designs? (be it music, nature, beekeeping...)
JD- I think my primary inspiration comes from tribal cultures. There is no one tribe I would associate my work with, as I tend to draw from many different influences. I am careful never to co-opt specific tribal designs, as these obviously belong to those tribes, and can have significant meanings to them, both tribal and familial. However, we have all descended from one tribe or another, often forming new tribes along the way. I think this is important in that all humans have this in common. I believe this is one reason primitive styles and symbols can elicit feelings from so many people, even those who may no longer associate themselves with a specific tribe or culture. More often than not, these types of designs cross many cultures, and some have been in use in one form or another for many thousands of years. Again, while my work doesn't necessarily incorporate symbols, per se, the primitive influence is evident in much of my work.
On the other hand, living in the modern world, I've also been known to mix this primitive feel with modern influences such as architecture and mechanical devices.
In addition to these influences, several artists have inspired me. My two favorites are Albert Paley and Charles Loloma.

MBZ- how long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
JD- I've been making jewelry in one form or another for about 38 years. I began by piecing coins, and turning them into pendants and earrings, in 1975. At about this same time, I made puka shell necklaces, which were all the rage at that time, and sold these and the coin jewelry at swap meets in Sand Diego, where I lived at the time.
Also during this time I had a friend who was doing some beautiful silver smithing work. He was self-taught, and had a unique style that I really liked. I asked him about teaching me this art, and he didn't feel that he would make the best teacher. However, he was very encouraging, and told me what book he had learned from (Indian Silversmithing, by Ben Hunt), and where I could purchase it. He did also give me many helpful tips and advice, both on the metal working and also with making tools and equipment.
I found this book to be very useful, because most of the techniques used in it were fairly basic, including soldering, stamping and so forth. It also had much information of making various tools like stamps and punches, and shaped dies for dapping.
Since that time, I've done a lot more reading on various techniques and methods, including repousse, chasing, raising, forging.

MBZ- where are you located?
JD-My wife and I live near the tiny town of Reed Point, MT, population 96. It sits along the Yellowstone River, in the south-central part of the state, somewhat in the foothills between the Rocky Mountains and the plains. Our home, which we've built ourselves, sits in a little valley that opens out to the south. We have a clear view from here, with open ranch land between our home and the Beartooth Mountains. Our nearest neighbor is about a mile away as the crow flies, but from here we can't see a single house or light in any direction!
It's a bit isolated, since we often get snowed-in during the winter, and more often we get get "mudded-in" in the spring, often for weeks at a time! During these times we do go out occasionally for groceries or to ship out jewelry orders. In those cases, we have to hike out, to a vehicle we leave up near the county road. It's a 1.5 mile hike each way, with groceries on our backs, but its a lovely hike up a beautiful canyon, so we always enjoy it. But for us it works, as we love the solitude and living so close to nature.

MBZ-do you have a website or etsy/artfire etc store? (put a link url here too if you want readers to click through to your site)
JD-We no longer have our own website, however, you can see our work at Dunakin Design on Facebook.
People can also contact us by e-mail at:

MBZ-what other ways do you market your work?(shows, galleries, brick + mortar stores)
do you teach? if so, where- (add a website link if you would like)
JD-About 80% of our sales are through the nearly 30 galleries around the nation that carry my work.

MBZ- just as a little treat I thought I'd add a link to Jim's recent internet radio interview with Jay Whaley on Metalsmithing Benchtalk...

MBZ-any sage advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
JD-I think I would just tell people to follow their dreams. If jewelry is something you are passionate about, by all means you should pursue it.
- where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic direction)
At this point I've learned to be open, and just let God lead me where He will. I never know what direction my work or my life will be heading next, but it's always turned out to be something better than I could have planned myself!

MBZ- thanks so much for taking some time to introduce us to your work and give us a little more insight into the Jim Dunakin experience :-) I am very happy to have you as a part of our community!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

MU Member interview: Rameen Ahmed

From time to time I like to post interviews of metalsmithing artists from our group- today I am featuring my friend, Tucson metalsmith Rameen Ahmed:

Rameen and I met while working at Krikawa, a local indie jeweler here in Tucson- where we worked as goldsmiths together for a few months. We have kept in touch over the years and have been able to enjoy time together recently as roommates at the 2012 SNAG conference. I consider her to be a good friend, and a fine metalsmith- her designs are whimsical, architectural and modern.
Here is her interview:

Me and Rameen at the SNAG conference in Scottsdale last spring

MBZ:How would you describe what you do as an artist?
RA:I take what I have learned in art and architecture and give it a 'wearable form'.

MBZ: what inspires your designs?
RA: Ideas, materials, mental acrobatics with form

MBZ: how long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
RA: 10 years. Recent recollection of a long ago question, "What do you do with dolls?" Answer, "Play with them!" Mystified and proceeded to take apart my metal belt and making doll jewelry at age 7!!

MBZ: where are you located?( email if you want to share, or city/town that you live in)
RA: Tucson, Arizona.

MBZ: do you have a website?
RA: yes, it's at

MBZ: what other ways do you market your work?
RA: Trunk Shows, Art Shows, Juried Submittals, Galleries, Membership(ADC, SNAG), Online Membership (LinkedIn, FaceBook, Crafthaus), Snailmail Postcards... working on making FB work page! (MBZ aside: Wow! that's great Rameen! you have to help me get more organized!)

MBZ: do you teach? if so, where?
RA: Mostly visual arts, architecture/landscape design. Part-time at Tucson Museum of Art, elementary & middle school - local Montessori & Rameen Ahmed Designs.

MBZ: Rameen, do you have any sage advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
RA: Yes! Let your passion lead you...

MBZ: where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic direction)
RA: Fearless deliberation, I hope!! By that I mean pushing ideas that are/have been percolating.

MBZ: anything else you would like to share? (your choice-how we met? What you wish for as a holiday gift? any good jokes? you can even put your flickr/twitter/blog links here too)
RA: One of the best parts of working at Krikawa was connecting with you and other 'benchers'. I do appreciate the opportunity to have improved my technical skills quite a bit at the bench there.
What else, let's see... I'm terrible at punch lines! But, here's one of my favorite quotes from the Dilbert Principle, "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
MBZ: I love Dilbert! Thanks Rameen! :-)
Ciao, and May the Flux be with you! - Maureen

ps- yes, it was funny to work with someone who has a name that sounds like an echo of your own...Rameen, Maureen! LOL it's all good

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

MU Future development and plans

Metalsmiths Unite has reached a milestone today- 4 years of being one of the most interactive and dynamic metalsmithing organizations on the web! Happy 4th Anniversary Metalsmiths Unite!

As the founder of Metalsmiths Unite I have endeavored to create a friendly community forum that serves all levels of metalsmithing, from people who are just beginning to get their hands on metals to master craftspeople who have reached the highest points of the craft.

I want to make Metalsmiths Unite an essential tool for the working metalsmith. One of the ways that I see this happening is through the many lively discussions on theory and technique that already happen on MU's wall every day. another goal is to have MU be the destination to find opportunities that are available for working artists- from calls to enter shows and books, to job opportunities, tools and equipment for sale, and great coverage of workshops, classes and conferences that are available to our craft. I also have a real possibility of a Metalsmiths Unite show here in Tucson during the February Gem Show. (exciting!)

There are many ways that MU can serve the community- and I'm very interested in developing the site and this blog for the future of our community. However, I cannot continue to take on these tasks and expand MU's functions without having some monetary support from the membership. Therefore, as of today I am requesting that members participate in this development by  a suggested donation of between $10-20 a year.  

There is now a "Donate" button on the top of the sidebar of our blog; this is where members can pay their annual donation.This is a new thing for me, so bear with me as I set it up. I will do my best to be transparent about the funds raised.  The more donations I receive, the more time I will be able to commit to the development of our community.
And, in the continuing commitment to serve our entire community, one dollar of each donation fifteen dollars and higher will be set aside for donation to Made By Survivors, an organization working to empower and educate victims of trafficking and exploitation. (More about Made By Survivors can be found at )

By having a small amount of money to work with I can justify my many hours of work in the development of Metalsmiths Unite and I can hopefully raise enough donations so that I can continue to develop MU to be one of our most used and beloved tools...
by metalsmiths for metalsmiths.
thank you-
Maureen BZ

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Metalsmiths Unite on the (internet) radio!

I'm going to be interviewed by Jay Whaley on Blogtalk radio Metalsmithing Benchtalk THIS THURSDAY at 3pm pacific time.
(I think this will be my 4th full interview- the other ones are archived in the Whaley studio channel on Blogtalk radio.)
This time I'll be talking about my metalsmithing Facebook group " Metalsmiths Unite" and how it has developed over the past 3+ years.
 I'd really love it if MU members phoned in during the interview- to talk about Metalsmiths Unite/ Metalsmithing or if they just want to say "Hi." 
 This is the official call in phone # (646) 716-5718 for the show-
Also- If you are having trouble getting through you can always use the chat room (provided on the link)that you can type in questions or comments during the show-

The link to my interview is  
Don't be shy- make a short call!  It's a lot of fun and a great way to connect - there are some members I've known for YEARS and have never even heard their voice!

Ciao for now- MaureenCosmo's Moon jewelry: Metalsmiths Unite on the (internet) radio!