
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Metalsmiths Unite on the (internet) radio!

I'm going to be interviewed by Jay Whaley on Blogtalk radio Metalsmithing Benchtalk THIS THURSDAY at 3pm pacific time.
(I think this will be my 4th full interview- the other ones are archived in the Whaley studio channel on Blogtalk radio.)
This time I'll be talking about my metalsmithing Facebook group " Metalsmiths Unite" and how it has developed over the past 3+ years.
 I'd really love it if MU members phoned in during the interview- to talk about Metalsmiths Unite/ Metalsmithing or if they just want to say "Hi." 
 This is the official call in phone # (646) 716-5718 for the show-
Also- If you are having trouble getting through you can always use the chat room (provided on the link)that you can type in questions or comments during the show-

The link to my interview is  
Don't be shy- make a short call!  It's a lot of fun and a great way to connect - there are some members I've known for YEARS and have never even heard their voice!

Ciao for now- MaureenCosmo's Moon jewelry: Metalsmiths Unite on the (internet) radio!

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