
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

SiaCorrina Durocher - Artist Inteview

Hello and welcome - time for another Artist Interview - with  Sia Durocher Hurst. Thanks so much for sharing with us Sia!

SiaCorrina Durocher
How would you describe what you do as an artist?
 I create jewelry – I teach others to create jewelry – I host creativity workshops so that people can explore their creative lives – I publish a magazine which endeavors to share the concept of creative living with as many people as possible – I write – I paint … and then I create more jewelry!

What inspires your designs?
Everything inspires me – when I ride by bicycle to work I am inspired by the olive and pistachio trees – when I swimming in the sea I am inspired by the tides and the salty air – when I am scuba diving I am inspired by a world that has no need of me – when I am sitting quietly I am inspired by my own thoughts and the peace that is in my heart – when I am living my life I am inspired by all that that can mean.

© SiaCorrina Durocher

How long have you been involved in this type of making? 
I began my creative journey in my late teens when I moved to Central America and feel in love with an artisan there. He taught me the basics of wire working … after that I explored many areas of creativity, finally realizing that my creativity is truly living a creative and positive life – so, since about 17 years of age I have been involved in this type of making … and now in my forties I continue the adventure.

Where are you located?

I live in a small suburb of Athens, Greece – on the south side of the city. My home is about a 10 minute bicycle ride from the Aegean Sea and about 15 minutes from my studio and gallery. The back hills of Attica protect our little bay at Varkiza, where our sea is crystal clear, blue and always welcoming.

© SiaCorrina Durocher

Do you have a website or etsy/artfire/1000market etc store? 

Website where I sell my jewelry:
Blog where I teach a new jewelry making technique every week
Blog for Serendipity Magazine – which is always looking for contributors!

I have a publication library where you can read my magazine and check out my classes!
I have a facebook page where people can ‘like’ me

What other ways do you market your work? 

I have my brick’n’mortar shop in Athens – my website – Serendipity Magazine – a couple of blogs – active in forums and online communities – run an art center in my studio – talk and talk and talk with people who are curious about creativity

Do you teach? if so, where? 

Yes, I teach. I have a rather nice situation where other artists have come together in my studio space and we are all building an art center together – offering glasses in metal work, glass, textiles, painting, mosaics, bead weaving, and … I think that may be it for now! You can find more information on my website and in the publication library (both links above).

© SiaCorrina Durocher

Any sage advice for newcomers that you would like to share? 

Keep exploring your creativity – never say ‘no’ to an opportunity to stretch your artistic muscles and learn something new.

Where do you envision your work going in the next year? 

Exactly where it is supposed to; I will find out when it happens. I have some ideas, of course, but I have no course. I am living creatively in the moment and my work is evolving along with me. I hope to enter some competitions and perhaps a submission to a magazine … just ideas … I hope to create the ideas in my head … again, just ideas!

© SiaCorrina Durocher

Anything else you would like to share? 

Thank you for this group and this opportunity for us all to meet and to share our experiences with one another. I wish you all the creative best in your endeavors.

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