
Friday, April 30, 2010

about Pricing your work- a new Resource!

Hi there- I wanted to let you all know about this great download that is now available (thanks to
Harriete Estel Berman for giving me this info!)

 the "Not Just Another Pricing Lecture: A Dialog About Pricing Your Work" lecture (the featured program at the 2010 Professional Development Seminar from SNAG  Houston)  is now available for FREE at Harriete Estel Berman's web site:  (the Professional Development Seminar page.)

The PowerPoint by the speakers and the Question and Answer Discussion with the audience were recorded.These audio recordings were combined  with the SlideShare presentation so you can experience the same PowerPoint presentations that the audience saw in Houston.

The Podcast is a continuation of the discussion with  speakers and the audience (audio only.)

This information will also be on the SNAG website soon at:

Pricing- It's always a Hot Topic!

Thank You to Harriete Estel Berman for her tireless generosity and commitment to the metalsmithing community! -
have a great weekend everyone! ciao- Maureen BZ

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