
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

introductions are at hand- Maureen BZ

With apologies to those who are sick of hearing me blab about myself, I thought it would be a good idea to start the Metalsmiths Unite! interviews at the beginning- with my interview-

Maureen Brusa Zappellini

(Metalsmiths Unite! founder)

How would you describe what you do as an artist?  I’m a metalsmith who is obsessed with metalsmithing. I’m passionate about Craft and the creative process. My work reflects my origins as a painter/sculptor by the use of color structure shape and texture in my work.

what inspires your designs? relationships between objects, architectural structures (both historic and contemporary), decay, natural textures, collections of repetitive objects (stone walls, stacks of timber, staircases), place, juxtaposition.

how long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
I started Metalsmithing in 1986, during summers home from Art school (School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) - I was lucky enough to have had someone who was willing to apprentice me for 2 summers and take me from a complete novice to a competent basic silversmith.(both in Ogonquit Maine and Portsmouth NH)

where are you located?
Tucson Arizona- land of giant Gem shows!

do you have a website or etsy/artfire/1000market etc store?
yes, ,  (that one is for my older pieces) and  (I opened an artfire account just to have a bit more exposure, plus it is a local Tucson company) I also have a "fan page" for Cosmo's moon

what other ways do you market your work?
 I have my work in some galleries and also a couple of boutiques . I am just starting to participate in local retail shows and events. Trying a little bit of everything now, and still trying to find the perfect combination! I'm always looking for new venues for my work-

do you teach? if so, where-  I do love to teach, but am not currently holding classes- Previously I have taught in Florence Italy at Metallo Nobile (for a short while) and Fuji studio (as a TA) . I also have taught for Tucson Parks and Rec program , but had to stop because of scheduling issues. I am currently developing a couple of workshops that I hope to begin teaching in 2010.

any sage advice for newcomers that you would like to share? Sure, for the newbies, I advise you to just roll up your sleeves and play! Find out the limitations of your material, and don’t get too stuck on producing a finished product. And if you have trouble with a piece put it down and stop working on it for at least 24 hours...sometimes a little distance is all it takes to give you the perspective you need.

where do you envision your work going in the next year? Having recently given notice at my day job, I’m excited about becoming more independent this year. I will use the extra time to finish developing my pewter urns and also revisiting my mixed metals and strap bracelet line.

anything else you would like to share? It has been truly amazing watching Metalsmiths Unite grow this past year- I’m looking forward to seeing our community develop in the future, and I hope to be able to meet with some of you this year at one of the metals events that I plan on attending ...the Tucson Gem show, Yuma Symposium, and hopefully I will be able to attend the SNAG  conference this year as well. Metalsmiths Unite!

Coming up- Interviews with Erkki Kokko (Metalsmiths Unite! officer and Finnish metals madman)
Julie Sanford, (Metalsmiths Unite support admin.)

Once these "Official" interviews are completed I will be interviewing members of the Metalsmiths Unite community- I'm sure that there are many interesting stories out there, and I look forward to reading each interview!

ciao for now! Happy 'smithing- Maureen BZ

1 comment:

  1. funny- I've used this pic in a few things lately, and just now people are asking me if I am holding a toasted, it's just a light in the background...but I love toasted marshmallows too! :-)
