
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Update: the Art of personal Adornment with Kathleen Krucoff

In this post we are re-visiting one of our previously interviewed Metalsmiths Unite! members,  Kathleen Krucoff.  Enjoy!
To see her original interview please click here.

© Kathleen Krucoff

When asked about her current inspirations Metalsmiths Unite member Kathleen Krucoff responds:
"My goal is to create something you won't find anywhere else.  It has to be as individual as the person who will ultimately wear it.  I've recently changed my tag line on my website to support the feeling that I have about my work "The Art of Personal Adornment".  With each piece, I make it as if I was making it for me.  If I like it, I know it will 'speak' to its rightful owner.  I want to make true art jewelry.

 Nature is my biggest inspiration.  The design possibilities it offers is infinite.  My dad did a lot of landscape work and would take me along with him on the various jobs he did in the evening.  I was fascinated by the way he would sculpt evergreens and manicure the grounds of the various homes in the city where we lived.  As I became immersed in metalwork, I realized that he was a true landscape artist.  I know his love of nature has influenced me.

Music is a key component in my work too.  It really depends on my mood when I'm in the studio.  If I need to focus, classical is a must - Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven, Hayden.  Other times it just varies Jazz, Rock & Roll, New Age, even Electronic Synthpop like Daft Punk...go figure!  Music keeps me moving with work and design ideas."

 Sky Tree
© Kathleen Krucoff

How long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
I've been working with metal for a little over 4 years now, started with wire wrapping the glass cabochons I made.  Then, I really became immersed in metalsmithing a little over 2 years ago when I took my first metalsmithing weekend workshop from Lexi Erickson.  She said she would help me take my work to a whole new level and she did.  I was hooked, I think because being a metalsmith is intellectually stimulating for me.  You have to plan out the fabrication process.  I like feeling "the wheels turn in my mind" as I work through a piece.

Climb Every Mountain
© Kathleen Krucoff

Where are you located?
I  live in city of Black Forest, Colorado just northeast of Colorado Springs.  It's considered to be part of the front range of the Rocky Mountains.  I love seeing the mountains every day, when the weather cooperates.  It still amuses me that you can see snow on Pikes Peak even in the summer months!  Of course, I've incorporated mountain shapes in my works too and this year created a new line, “Mountainesque.”  My husband & I share our home with three basset hounds on almost 7 acres.  Since we live in the less tree-d area of the Black Forest,  I love the open space that surrounds us and provides a great view of those beautiful Rocky Mountains.

 Safe Passage
© Kathleen Krucoff

Advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
Practice every day.  Whether it's drawing designs, cutting out some metal, soldering, just get in your studio/workspace and work with your craft every day.  Practice, practice, practice.  That's invaluable.

 Where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic direction)
 I see more clean and simple metal works.  A real focus, emphasis on the metal, incorporating brass and maybe bronze, along with the copper & sterling silver I use right now.  Pure shapes and textures.  Course, that is what I think today, it seems like my thoughts ebb and flow, so things could go in a completely different direction than I expect.

With a home studio, I am never without the companionship of one of our three basset hounds.  I love that.  When I need a break, it's great to stroke a pet that is a true studio mascot.  And I'm a firm believer in frequent breaks.  Otherwise your body and mind will become too tired and you can and will start making mistakes or risk an injury.  Be good to yourself.

I'm a swimmer and cyclist; along with doing yoga.  I need that feeling of zen after a workout.  I get some of my best designs when I'm working out.  You never know when your next design idea will pop into your head.

Mountain Valley
© Kathleen Krucoff

Kathleen's Links-


  1. Very impressive. You have come a long way since those wire wrapping days, and I'm proud to have been with you every step of the way. You are amazing.

  2. Great pieces. Good color and shape combinations. You were fortunate to have such a great teacher as Lexi. I like your suggestion to work everyday. I recently had shoulder surgery and was told metalsmithing is off limits for 3 months. I've been using my time to study the works of others, write down design ideas, and purchase new stones. Hoping to come back refreshed with lots of new ideas!
