
Monday, March 29, 2010

Kathleen Krucoff- Assets of Bassets!

 Hi everyone- here is an interview with Kathleen Krucoff of Black Forest Colorado- Not only is she a wonderful metalsmith she also has a mini pack of gorgeous Basset hounds. Thanks for sharing yourself for the blog Kathleen- to mark the occasion can I suggest Chew toys for all! :-) Maureen

Please note- there seems to be a problem with loading images today on blogspot- I'm hoping that the issues will be resolved soon and I can publish a couple of pics from Kathleen's portfolio- until then, please visit her website (links are in the body of the interview) thanks- M

 Kathleen Krukoff

How would you describe what you do as an artist?
>> I take beautiful stones, like Jaspers, Chinese Writing Stones, or Tiffany stones, set them in sterling silver and create art jewelry that is unique, individual. When I incorporate a beautiful stone in a jewelry piece, I want my work to showcase the stone to do justice to its intrinsic beauty.

what inspires your designs? (be it music, nature, beekeeping...)
>> My real inspiration comes from nature. I am especially drawn to mountains, leaves, cloud shapes, the colors evoked by sunrises and sunsets.

how long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
>> I've always loved working with my hands. My mother had me take private art lessons. She also insisted that I learn how to sew, which I believe contributes to my artwork today. I loved taking pieces of fabric and putting them together to create something completely unique, me. It just seemed to be a natural progression of expressing myself when I started working with glass a little over 28 years ago. And that too evolved into jewelry making, which led me to metalsmithing. Now I design jewelry that takes a variety of metal components and stones, putting those pieces together to distinguish the wearer from anyone else.

where are you located?
>> I live in the Black Forest area of Colorado, just northeast of Colorado Springs. Five years ago, my husband & I designed our home, which is a Frank Lloyd Wright style, that provides wonderful views of the Rocky Mountains. We are fortunate to have 7 acres of land which we share with our three basset hounds and other wild life, such as hawks, great horned owls, fox, coyotes, and jack rabbits. It's very inspirational living where we do.

do you have a website or etsy/artfire/1000market etc store?

what other ways do you market your work?
>>Currently my work can be found at Coyote Creek Arts Foundataion ( and Second Street Art Market ( I also exhibit at shows in Colorado and will be the featured artist during the month of August at Boulder Arts & Crafts, in Boulder, CO.

do you teach? if so, where-
>>I offer private lessons at my studio by appointment.

any sage advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
>>Never give up; do what you love. My motto is "Aspire to be more as an artist and a Person" Continually invest in yourself by taking classes from people you admire or reading books/articles about your craft.

where do you envision your work going in the next year?
>> I am currently working on a project that involves fantasy and nature.

anything else you would like to share? (favorite techniques? any good jokes? you can even put your flickr/twitter/blog links here too)
>> My blog:
Facebook Fan Page:

Thanks again Kathleen- It's been fun getting to know you via Metalsmiths Unite! :-)

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