
Monday, November 9, 2009

Gifts for the Metalsmith

As holidays are coming up, I have been thinking about gifts.

Every year my husband struggles to figure out what he wants to get me for a gift-
he is baffled, as I really do not need anything traditionally girly..
and he knows what kind of reaction he would get if
he hung up his brain and went to Kay Jewelers
to get me a (yikes) heart solitaire locket
or some other commercial crapola..

Metalsmiths have lots of hammers, so you can guess what the
outcome would be...something would get ...forged. :-)

So I was thinking of helping all of our significant others, giving them a sort of master list to look at for Metalsmith Gifts... and I'd love to have your input! I'll gather a list of our wishes, and post them on this blog later in December- (and I'll announce it on the Metalsmiths Unite! facebook page)
Both practical things like tools / books and ideological things like world peace are welcome on this list

I'll give it a start-
  1. world peace/ the end of hunger
  2. really good hand cream
  3. a cool apron for the shop
  4. a bench mounted band saw
  5. a coupon for 100 solitary hours at my bench

I could go on and on...but I'll let You have your turn- to add to the wish list simply leave a comment on this blog, or if you want to do it privately you can message me on Facebook and I'll cut and paste it (anonymously) to the master list.
I will publish the list in December- and will announce it on our Facebook page-
Have fun with this,( I look forward to seeing the end result.)
happy 'smithing everyone!
ciao- Maureen BZ



  1. 1. Rolling Mill
    2. Paragon Kiln
    3. Hydraulic Press
    4. Bigger Studio
    5. Time to use them

  2. 1-Bigger Studio
    2- New Torch
    3- lots of metal to play with
    4- a reason to quit my day job so I have more time to play with my presents

  3. 1. lots of gemstones
    2. gold, frankincense and myrh
    3. vouchers at favorite suppliers
    4. time
    5. chocolates, many boxes
    6. storage
    7. masterclasses

  4. OOh - I love DeAnne's #4 -
    "a reason to quit my day job..."
    Although - I have lots of reasons, just need some courage to go with them!

  5. 1. set of Fretz hammers
    2. rolling mill
    3. new torch
    4. new tables for my booth
    5. a week workshop at arrowmont, pendland or appalachian ceter for craft

  6. Maureen,
    Yesterday, one of Jay Whaley's private students mentioned that her husband gives her a couple of gold Coins for special holidays, I totally approve of that idea.
    She has been alloying her own high karat gold, pouring her own ingots, is a demon at the Wire Pulling Device, and makes wonderful stuff. Sells earrings right out of her ears.
    Rolling Mill "a toy" That statement, I took from whence it came. Total nothing.

  7. 1. A stump with a big anvil
    2. A nice bench shear
    3. A New belt sander
    4. Blades and bits that don't dull or break
    5. Heat

  8. Dear Santa...
    I got some wishes too...

    1.Metal lathe
    2.A milling machine
    3.Lots of materials to play with...
    4.Time to play with my new tools :)
    5.What else? ...hmmm... oh yeah, a world peace!

  9. I just thought of another one-
    I was just thinking...
    instead of a gift-
    how about making a donation to an arts organization on someone's behalf?
    (I know I'd love to make a more significant
    donation to Haystack)the arts are suffering from lack of funding as usual- so maybe we could make a list of orgs that need more support from our community...
    hey, I'd be super happy with a membership renewal for SNAG! :-) just saying

  10. I'm still thinking in terms of a jewelers bra - with a nice little shield to protect my sternum when I tighten my saw. Is that too much ask for?

    1. Try bracing your sawframe against the desk, and hold handle in your hand, against your ribs, and lean forward. Works well, and no bruising to your anatomy. Never made sense to use your sternum - just hurts too much.

  11. To Randi...
    If you take close look of my "interview pic" you can see, that i have reinforced my leather apron's left hand side with a piece of thick rubber.
    It is handy when i tighten my saw!
    No more chest pain! :) :)
    -Erkki- (Eddie) :D

  12. Great idea! My santa list has on it:
    1- rolling mill
    2- set of alphabet stamps
    3- set of really good needle files
    4- set of really good hand files

  13. Ooooh... my list would include...
    1. Some of that "invisible glove" hand cream that gardeners use... Makes cleaning up after polishing a breeze.
    2. A custom made logo stamp.
    3. A long enough holiday to let my nails grow long enough to paint them (for the first time ever)
    4. Tough enough fingers after the holiday to be able to work again without major finger damage...
    5. Some clothes without acid holes in them.

    That should get 2010 off to a really good start!

  14. Whoever was looking for really good hand cream, try L'Occitane's unscented shea butter hand cream. I've never found anything better. It's pricey but so worth it.

    My list (I know I'm late to the party, but...)
    1. A big ol' tree stump for pounding things on
    2. Several texturing hammers
    3. A small but sturdy rolling mill
    4. Someone to come in and organize my studio
    5. Time to work in the studio once it's organized

  15. 2013- I'm still looking for a tub of really good hand cream. My fingers are splitting like crazy!
    also- a list of shows where I can sell my work (last weekend, my best show, got rained out)
    Hmmm, I'm so lucky to say that I don't find an immediate need in my studio's tool box (having won the Ganoksin raffle last year, I was able to stock up!)
    As always, world peace, love and full stomachs for all the hungry

  16. 1. Pie-in-the-Sky Wish: A range of water soluble polishing compounds. I can get rouge that way, but a wider cutting range would be nice.
    2. Someone to do materials inventory for me. They could organize and label it, too. I'd like that.
    3. Climate control for the studio. Yes, I can solder with gloves on, but it's really no fun.
    4. More of the old recipe 22k gold from H&S. The kind that fuses like a dream.
    5. A mini drill press.

  17. Hire someone to clean the house! I am divorced, so I am treating myself to this very thing this year. And it's not just someone who cleans houses, it's someone who will also pick up the mess, clean glasswares, etc. I do not have to clean before she comes. This is the ULTIMATE Christmas gift, trust me.

  18. electric rolling mill
    Titanium birdcage sawframe
    plenty of silver to work with AND
    excellent hand cream that will heal cracks in fingers.
