
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

MU Future development and plans

Metalsmiths Unite has reached a milestone today- 4 years of being one of the most interactive and dynamic metalsmithing organizations on the web! Happy 4th Anniversary Metalsmiths Unite!

As the founder of Metalsmiths Unite I have endeavored to create a friendly community forum that serves all levels of metalsmithing, from people who are just beginning to get their hands on metals to master craftspeople who have reached the highest points of the craft.

I want to make Metalsmiths Unite an essential tool for the working metalsmith. One of the ways that I see this happening is through the many lively discussions on theory and technique that already happen on MU's wall every day. another goal is to have MU be the destination to find opportunities that are available for working artists- from calls to enter shows and books, to job opportunities, tools and equipment for sale, and great coverage of workshops, classes and conferences that are available to our craft. I also have a real possibility of a Metalsmiths Unite show here in Tucson during the February Gem Show. (exciting!)

There are many ways that MU can serve the community- and I'm very interested in developing the site and this blog for the future of our community. However, I cannot continue to take on these tasks and expand MU's functions without having some monetary support from the membership. Therefore, as of today I am requesting that members participate in this development by  a suggested donation of between $10-20 a year.  

There is now a "Donate" button on the top of the sidebar of our blog; this is where members can pay their annual donation.This is a new thing for me, so bear with me as I set it up. I will do my best to be transparent about the funds raised.  The more donations I receive, the more time I will be able to commit to the development of our community.
And, in the continuing commitment to serve our entire community, one dollar of each donation fifteen dollars and higher will be set aside for donation to Made By Survivors, an organization working to empower and educate victims of trafficking and exploitation. (More about Made By Survivors can be found at )

By having a small amount of money to work with I can justify my many hours of work in the development of Metalsmiths Unite and I can hopefully raise enough donations so that I can continue to develop MU to be one of our most used and beloved tools...
by metalsmiths for metalsmiths.
thank you-
Maureen BZ