
Monday, December 28, 2009

Bill Roberts- Ornamental Metalsmith

Hi everyone- I hope you all had a great holiday weekend- I've found some time today to post a new interview from one of our active Metalsmiths Unite! members- Bill Roberts. He represents another angle on metalsmithing that we are thrilled to have as part of out community - mostly doing Large scale pieces- with the refinement  of a trained jeweler-
Here is his interview- Enjoy!

How would you describe what you do as an artist?
I consider myself an ornamental metalsmith. Started as a jeweler in sterling and gold......using lost wax casting for the majority of my designs. And then learned to work with other metals and to create larger decorative metal work........that I like to call "house jewelry". The house jewelry is usually functional art.. One of a Kind metal, lighting, gates, railings, doors, fountains, sculpture and MORE.

what inspires your designs?
I get my inspiration from many sources. But I'd have to personal favs are Art Nouveau, Nature and Marine themes. They seem to keep ......coming to the forefront.

how long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
I started this wonderful journey with the summer of 1984, by learning the jeweler's trade. In 1989, I was introduced to Site Specific One of a Kind architechural metal work........and have been doing many other metal arts ever since.
I desiring to do something that I would LOVE to opposed to just another job. Found my "creative" side......and have never looked back. Proving......."when you blur the line between work and'll never work another day". Not sure who that quotes from.......but it FITS my artistic life to a T.

where are you located?
I live and work in Ocala, Florida.
Bill Roberts-Ornamental Metalsmith
3740 NE 40th PL Suite D
Ocala, FL. 34479

do you have a website or etsy/artfire/1000market etc store? (list url here)
I do have a website:

and I also have an Etsy store as well......but it's barely ready for prime time. (mbz note: lol- etsy is an art unto itself...I'd be happy to give you a few pointers)

what other ways do you market your work?(shows, galleries, stores)
In the early years......I used Juried Art Shows and Galleries to market my work. Both with varying degrees of sucess. And for the large scaled metalwork........intereior designers and Contractors.
The majority of my sales these days are via the WEB and word of mouth.

do you teach? if so, where- (I’ll link this to the website of teaching institution)
I do teach, a wide variety of metal arts.......usually One on One classes at my studio. Because I'm a "working studio" ............and I LOVE teaching......I schedule my commissions around my classes. One of the wonderful things about teaching so many different that I never know ....from one class to another.........what Process I get to play with next. It's not uncommon for me to be teaching blacksmithing one day.......and lost wax casting or jewelry fabrication the next. For a PROCESS just doesn't get any better that that. :)

any advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
I'd suggest finding what you LOVE to do.....and have a passion for. Then persue it like your life depends upon it. Take classes or find someone that is doing the type of work you like........and hire on. To get paid to great, if you are lucky enough to find that opportunity.

where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic or business direction)
I see it in a serious growth phase. Both the classes and the metal work. Sky's the limit. I'm livin a dream.

anything else you would like to share? (favorite techniques? any good jokes? you can even put your flickr/twitter/blog links here too)
I LOVE to forge makes me feel more alive......when I'm forging.......and "breathing life into an otherwise ridgid material". Not metal..........but I've also found a passion for working with HOT GLASS recently. The similarities of manipulating hot glass and forging metal.......seem addictive.....and familiar.

Thanks Bill! looking forward to seeing more of your work this year!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

James Miller- London Goldsmith extraordinaire

Today I have the pleasure of posting this interview with James Miller- He is a master of piercing and hand craftsmanship-  Museum quality craftsmanship ! The images of his work speak for themselves.

James Miller FIPG ( Fellow of the Institute of Professional Goldsmiths).

How would you describe what you do as an artist?
I am a traditionally trained bench working goldsmith, I served an official Goldsmith's Hall, indentured apprenticeship at a major London Goldsmiths and Silversmiths company in London, England. The term of my probationary period and apprenticeship lasted nearly six years and finished on my 21st birthday.

what inspires your designs?
The style of Karl Faberge and the Art nouveau period.

how long have you been involved in this type of making?
Including my apprenticeship a total of 48 years.

where are you located?
London, England.

do you have a website ?
No website, my work has mainly been sold through Asprey, Garrard and Kutchinsky, both in London and New York.

what other ways do you market your work?
Most of my work has been commissions from designs, by myself and others.

do you teach? if so, where-
I do not teach, in the UK teachers need qualifications from a recognised college. I have never attended a college as I learned my trade from the workshop.

any advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
Learn and perfect the basics such as engraving, saw piercing, filing and hammering. All else will follow naturally.

where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic or business direction)
I am close to retirement at the age of 63. I have compiled a book of my unique items of manufacture, which has now been published and available worldwide on Amazon. It is titled "The Work of a Master Goldsmith;A Unique Collection" .

anything else you would like to share? (favorite techniques? any good jokes? you can even put your flickr/twitter/blog links here too)
I enjoy sharing any information that may be useful to learners in my trade, mainly on the Ganoksin Orchid forum.

Thanks Jim for contributing your interview- It's great to be able to get to know you and your work through Metalsmiths Unite!, Ganoksin and Facebook
ciao-Maureen BZ

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Harriete Estel Berman -

Hi everyone-
today I'd like to publish the interview with Harriete Estel Berman- She is an inspiration to me personally with her incredible craftsmanship and design aesthetic as well as her amazing commitment and generosity in teaching the business of our craft- Anyone interested in upping their business skills would do themselves a favor by enrolling in what I call"the Berman school"- Harriete's Blog on business practices for craftspeople "ask Harriete"
here is her interview- enjoy!

Harriete Estel Berman

How would you describe what you do as an artist?
ANSWER: I construct everything from jewelry to large sculpture with recycled materials. And all of my work includes social commentary about our material culture and consumer society.

what inspires your designs? ANSWER: I am inspired by the recycled materials and the thought-provoking commentary on advertising and social issues. This is a study and examination of our material culture.

how long have you been involved in this type of making? (how did you start?)
ANSWER: I’ve been making exhibition quality work since 1980. I started with an undergraduate degree in metals in 1974 from Syracuse University and received a graduate degree from Tyler School of Art in 1980.

where are you located?ANSWER: I live in San Mateo, California near San Francisco, but originally I was from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

do you have a website or etsy/artfire/1000market etc store? (list url here)

what other ways do you market your work?(shows, galleries, stores)
ANSWER: In addition to the shows and exhibitions that include my work, I also participate on Crafthaus and other social networking sites. I love all the opportunities presented on line such as with Facebook,and Flickr to reach out to a new audience.

This is all in addition to the work on the Professional Guidelines, [ ]
a column that I write for the local Metal Arts Guild, my blog (ASK Harriete), [] and the Professional Development Seminar at the SNAG Conferences.

do you teach? if so, where-  ANSWER: Occasionally I lecture and give workshops on professional development for artists and craftspeople. The only teaching that I do is as an Artist Mentor one on one.

My blog, ASK Harriete, offers free professional and business advice to the Arts and Crafts community. Check it out at:

any advice for newcomers that you would like to share?
ANSWER: Be prepared, work hard, share with your community (e.g. “pay it forward”) and make the work that is at your core…not what you think people will buy.

where do you envision your work going in the next year? (artistic or business direction)
ANSWER: I am completing the California Collection [] which I have been working on for two years.
Also I plan to finish a ton of other half-completed projects….which might take about six months. Your readers will see all my new work as I publish it on my web site, Facebook, Crafthaus and Flickr. Then I am diving deep into an entirely NEW gigantic project for a major Judaica piece.

anything else you would like to share? ANSWER: Stay tuned for publicity about the upcoming Professional Development Seminar in Houston (March 2010). I will also be doing Portfolio Reviews at the SNAG Conference (the Portfolio Reviews at the Conference are free).

(favorite techniques? any good jokes? you can even put your flickr/twitter/blog links here too)
ANSWER: People can also see more work or connect with me on these sites. I look forward to getting to know all of you on line.


Thanks Harriete! it's been great to get to know you- ciao-M