
what happened to MU

As MU on Facebook is now shut down we are no longer accepting donations-
As the founder of Metalsmiths Unite (in operation since Aug 15, 2008 ) I endeavored to create a friendly community forum that serves all levels of metalsmithing, from people who are just beginning to get their hands on metals to master craftspeople who have reached the highest points of the craft.
The group grew far larger than I ever imagined and became a different animal than the one I originally wanted to create. As the years went on, the group grew larger and larger and it became clear that it was impossible for me to continue to administer it as a volunteer- It had become a job: one that took my focus away from my work, family and friends.
The group became too large for me to have it work the way I envisioned, and it started to take on aspects that I really didn't appreciate (in the form of unfriendly posts from larger- than- life egos) I needed to let it go, and get on with my life.
Luckily, there are a few others who are willing to take on leadership of another metals group, so anyone who is left without MU will easily find a new home at the Metalsmiths Coffee House, Crafthaus, Ganoksin or other group (there are many, just look for 'Metalsmithing" in the group section of Facebook)

for all of you who have been friends- THANK YOU!!!!! I really appreciate your support over the years---I will see you around, in the Metalsmithing world.

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